
אחרי ה’ אלוקיכם תלכו תשי”ד

Class One. 1) This Possuk (Acharei…) begins with love, the fear (which is supposed to come first, Tanya Ch. 41) is before this Possuk’s Avoda starts. 2) Walking from below to above is about one’s personal connection with Hashem as opposed to the formal connection through Torah and Mitzvos. 3) all the subsequent steps follow this initial step, going from lower to higher with love. 4) Acharei- Ahavas Olom, this includes: removing the worldly material we cannot elevate now (Hotzaas Hadeshen), including what we can elevate (terumas Hadeshen,) and following the rear of Godliness- His investment in creation alone, (this Corresponds to תיקון חצות, מודה אני, הודו, ברכות קריאת שמע) 5) Tailaichu- Ahava Rabba, Love to the point of total sacrifice (אהבה בכל מאדיך, פרשה ראשונה דקריאת שמע) 6) ViOso Tirau- fear is introduced because love always involves one’s Yesh, but this is the higher fear (פרשה שני’ דקריאת שמע).

Class Two. 7) ViEs Mitzvosov Tishmoru- the ‘Emes’ (truth) of Mitzvos (פרשה שלישית דקריאת שמע, ציצית, מצות) 8) UviKolo Tishmau- the truth of Torah,- (אמת ויציב…) 9) ViOso TaAvodu- highest Bittul, (שמונה עשרה) 10) Uvo Sidbakun- not Keli for Elokus but one with Elokus, this allows one to go into the world also- (נפילת אפים).

Class One
Class Two

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