Class One. Korbanos and Ketores both involve fire (light) and shade (darkness that is above light). But in Korbanos it is about the fire and the (visible heat and) light; and in Ketores it is about the shade and darkness. Korbanos: 1) bring close, 2) are a service of the mind, 3) reach -only- the outer heart, 4) uplifts what is Kosher. Ketores: 1) makes one, 2) is a service that goes beyond understanding, 3) reaches the innner heart, 4) elevates and totally transforms -even- the severe Kelipos. The shade in the Sukka is from the cloud of Ketores Yom Kippur, which is completed by the Lulav (and other Mitzvos that follow).
Class Two. The process of separating the good from bad and uplifting the good out of the bad in Klipa, reveals a higher G-dliness than exists in Kedusha itself. This is true of בירור ניצוצי תהו in general, and more specifically when clarifying and elevating the sparks of the severe Klipos, as is the case with Ketores, that has… 1) Non- Kosher material in it 2) is in the number 11, which s linked to Klipa and more. This is especially true on Yom Kippur. The difference between a potential revelation and an actual one מעלת פועל על כח.