בשעה שהקדימו ישראל נעשה לנשמע ה’תש”ם (Hemshech 1).
Posted: June 2, 2018
Three מאמחז”ל replete with contradiction:
1) Were the crowns created by Yidden or the Malachim?
2) Were there one, two or three crowns?
How DO we reconcile the מדרש שיר השירים that speaks of one crown from Yidden to Hashem נעטרה שעטרה לו אמו ביום חתונתו
The גמרא שבת that when Yidden said נעשה קודם לנשמע the מלאכים brought the Yidden two crowns.
And the מדרש רבה קדושים that the בני המדינה give the King three crowns and he keeps one for Himself and gives two to his sons.
Answer: the מלאכים do whatever they do as a response to what Yidden do, as the גמרא explains the פסוק ברן יחד ככבי בקר ויריעו כל בני אלוקים.
Thus it starts from Yidden, Hashem keeps the deepest for Himself and through the מלאכים gives US the remaining two. MP3