Class One. The similarities and difference between קריעת ים סוף when we left מצרים and בקיעת הנהר when Moshiach comes. Both are not to get us out of Galus alone; but to set up the giving of the Torah and the associated revelation of אין סוף that accompanies such a revelation. קריעת ים סוף removing concealment to see G-dliness, בקיעת הנהר removing revelation of light to reveal the source, the essence.
Class Two. Introduction: The ברכה רוקע הארץ על המים. The separation of land and sea is one of the constant miracles of creation and one of the seven הבדלות discussed in Shas. The explanation of קריעת ים סוף- the sea which keeps the water inside itself so that the land is dry, is split and the land also enjoys the water. The explanation for בהקיעת הנהר where G-dly light was revealed the light is split so the Source and essence can shine through.
Class Three. This class explores the second set of משלים for the ideas of קריעת ים סוף and בקיעת הנהר: 1) overcoming the concealing affect of דיבור and revealing מחשבה. 2) overcoming the concealment of מחשבה to reveal נפש itself.
Class Four. This class explains the specific advantage and עלי’ה associated with the בקיעת הנהר and the coming of Moshiach. Just as the splitting of the ים סוף which transcends דיבור and opened up מחשבה; similarly, the splitting of the river when Moshiach comes transcends מחשבה and reveals נפש itself. This was explained by discussing the ideas of ראי’ דחכמה and גילוי עצם הנפש which are only possible when the barrier (or horizon) of מחשבה is overcome. The highest levels of ideas are beyond this world and beyond words (directly, at least) and are only accessed through great self refinement, but they allow the most direct access; This is how Moshiach will teach so many on so many levels: He will show rather than explain.