
.ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חדש התשי”א.

The following Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the one before.

Class One. In this class we continued the discussion from the last class, that Moshiach teaches Tzadikim how to do Teshuva. Teshuva is based on ריחוק the feeling of being distant. Ordinary people can feel this from ordinary distance (sin,) but Tzadikim don’t sin. Moshiach will teach them Teshuva by revealing the עצם. There are two basic levels of Tzadikim: A) ordinary Tzadikim whose evil may be in the fact that their essence is in עומק רע. B) A Tzadik like Moshe Rabbeinu whose עצם is אלקות is brought to Teshuva by revealing the עצם which is higher than אור altogether. Three levels: 1) אתכפיא, and 2 levels of אתהפכא by revealing light and the Godliness of darkness itself. Two ideas of darkness.

Class Two. The second and third levels of Teshuva are explored in this class. Both of these levels are revealed only through Moshiach, who reveals the עצם, but there are two levels of this: A) Ordinary Tzadikim whose essence may be evil discover this evil with help of Moshiach revealing the essence, and they heal (do Teshuva) by revealing the Godly light of the Essence, the יחידה: א איד נישט ער וויל נישט ער קאן ווערן נפרד מאלקות. B) Tzadikim like Moshe Rabbeinu have no evil at all, and their Teshuva is by revealing the essence of the body -darkness itself- in comparison to which even the greatest Tzadikim are יש. The Godliness that reveals this darkness and then heals it is the revelation of the Godliness of darkness itself, not how light illuminates darkness. This is the level of רע ומר עזבך את הוי’ אלקיך, which is because of the body itself. And the Teshuva is by revealing the Godliness of the body itself.

Class Three. Beginning and the end of this מחר חדש .מאמר means tomorrow Moshiach will come. This is why this is so important. The story is about inquiring whether the בירורים are complete and only שאול knows that. The arrows are symbols of בירורים. The bow is reminiscent of the קשת but a special קשת that is bright as described in the Zohar.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three

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