
כי נער ישראל ואוהבהו תשט”ז.

Class One. The heavens and the earth are linked: The lowest levels of heaven (השתלשלות) to the highest levels of earth (אצילות), and the link is revealed and obvious (גילוי ההעלם). The highest levels of heaven (עצמות) and the lowest levels of earth (בי”ע) are linked but the connection is sublime and will be revealed when Moshiach comes. This explains how we’ll know עצמות לעתיד לבא. Even this idea is limited to things that are part of the טבע of creation. When man sins this is not even linked to עצמות. This logic is used to explain the idea of understanding the concept of כי נער ישראל ואהבהו that is in the nature of man and comes from (נשתלשלו מהם) from עצמות.

Class Two. Yehoshua is called נער- the one who is loved unconditionally based on nature rather than who he is in two circumstances: 1) During Moshe’s lifetime. He is in Moshe’s shadow and is so Bottul as to know, understand, and sense exactly as Moshe does simply because of his extraordinary Bittul. 2) After Moshe passes away and Yehoshua is reduced to “the face of the moon” he is again considered נער and loved unconditionally, like nature because he gives the Jewish people ארץ ישראל on the level of ארץ טובה ורחבה.

Class Three אורות וכלים match and create a harmony, where the כלים reveal the אור and the אור reveals itself in the כליץ גוף ולבוש (the body and it’s clothing) do not join in this way and the clothing don’t reveal the body like the body reveals the Soul, but on the other hand the body isn’t at all contained or changed by the clothing and what the body is is brought forward unchanged by the clothing. נמשל: to bring down עצמות requires an imperfect לבוש.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three

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