
להבין ענין ראש השנה תשט”ז

Class One. Rosh Hashana has three ideas: 1) Inyan Rosh Hashana- creation 2) Tochen Rosh Hashana- renewal, 3) Mitzvas Rosh Hashana- Shofar why all of this happens for man, because he is not a mind but a Soul.

Class Two. The Human being is the purpose of creation, because he represents an essence. He is אדמה לעליון in the image of God, on three levels: 1) the reasonable person is אדמה to השתלשלות. 2) רעותא דליבא is אדמה to אין סוף. 3) עצם which is the source of קבלת עול is אדמה to אין סוף לפני הצמצום. The סילוק on ראש השנה is a more complete departure even than צמצום הראשון and it is healed by אדם, who with his קבלת עול reaches עצמות.

Class Three. The physical world is apparently independent and goes further to prove the Idea of 1) Atzmus, 2) That He is a Yesh. This world only provides 1) היכרח לענין העצמות, and 2) הוראה לענין העצמות.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three

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