Class One. In this class the מאמר establishes the idea that each and every פסוק in פרשת בלק is about תשובה. Since the story of בלק and בלעם is about the transforming a curse into a blessing, so too the lesson of the Parsha is in תשובה.
Class Two. There are four levels of תשובה, two associated with אהליך יעקב which are temporary, and two which are associated with משכנותיך ישראל and are permanent. All four levels of 1) סור מרע and 2) עשה טוב and 3) תורה and 4) the highest which includes תפילה ותשובה can be done regularly and can be done as תשובה. This is discussed at length in the מאמר in this class. They correspond to 1) the four letters of Hashem’s name 2) and the four levels of the נשמה which are נפש, רוח, נשמה, נשמה לנשמה.