This Ma,amar was said on שבת מברכים כסליו ה’תשט”ז.
Class One. This class explores the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar and chapters 2-3. This מאמר goes on the גמרא that through תורה ומצוות after ,תפילה we redeem ה’ ובניו from exile. We explore what is the meaning of Hashem being in Golus. The fact that from ז”א there could be a יניקה is a sufficient notion of exile, which is redeemed by adding מוחין to ז”א ונוקבא. The redemption happens through תורה וגמ”ח only if preceded by תפילה which are גבורות. Two גבורות: One) Through צמצום. This itself has two levels: A. שמאלו תחת לראשי- through שמאל (critical self examination) one reaches higher to ראש. B. שמאלו תחת לראשי- through ראש- very fine self examination done with the head, can one reach שמאל, the finest correction. Two) After this comes גבורה מלשון תגבורת which is considered אתערותא דלעילא in comparison to the other גבורות. This sets up the redemption through תורה וגמ”ח we’ll discuss in the next class.
Class Two. After the Tzimtzum and תגבורת of תפלה, comes bringing down light through מצות but mostly through תורה which is from פנימיות הכתר. The מאמר explores the idea of איתן of the נשמה, and how it pervades all the lower levels of the נשמה to keep them honest and protect them from יניקת החיצונים. This איתן is the basis for the idea of פדי-ה keeping the the אלקות from possible יניקה. This then is the פדה בשלום.