Three pesukim from the haftorah of the last shabbos of the year encompass all of time: שוש אשיש בהוי’ תגל נפשי באלוקי represents the Hidden Joy of Rosh Hashana and the revealed Joy of Sukkos. The Ma’amar explores why the Joy of Rosh Hashana is happy in spite of the awe- because we are crowning Him! כי הלבשני בגדי ישע ומעיל צדקה יעטפני- divides all of Torah into three: 1) Torah, 2) Mitzvos, 3) Tzedaka, that bring Godliness down as low as possible and in certain instances it is also internal in nature. כי כחתן יכהן פאר וככלה תעדה כלי’ה- this is an allusion to the union of God and His people at the end of time. Question: Why is the Joy of Sukkos placed before the subtler Joy of Rosh Hashana? Answer- because even for Rosh Hashana we really need the Joy first.