Devarim 01-01. First Possuk. (5767/ 2007).The Intent of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Final Address. Rabbi Paltiel begins with an introduction to this fifth and final Book of the Chumash. The class then follows with an analysis of the first Possuk (line) of the Parsha. The classic commentaries disagree on the intention underlying Moshe Rabbeinu’s final address to the Jewish people – is he criticizing them or not? Follow the fascinating debate featuring RaShI, Eben Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, Alshich, Abarbanel, Tziyuni, Shach, and Ma’amarim from 5666, 5673, and 567
Devarim 01-01. First Possuk. (5767). The Intent of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Final Address