01. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class One.
Posted: March 30, 2023
01. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class One. Introduction Part One. This Perek is about Yerushalayim, it’s greatness, holiness and constancy. The Kedusha of Yerushalayim (and the Beis HaMikdash) is linked to the Schechina and never changes. Who said it? 1) Dovid, A. Hashem tells him that his Torah is greater than the Beis HaMikdash (!!!): B. Dovid’s looking forward to putting up; C. Dovid celebrates people’s waiting for his passing (!!!) so the Beis HaMikdash could be constructed. 2) The Jews in Galus sing it longingly and nostalgically. 3) Moshiach and his children when it’ll be rebuilt. The Perek 1) praises Yerushalayim, 2) inquires about it and Davens for it, and 3) for the Sake of Yidden and the Beis HaMikdash The Perek is read inside at the end of this class.
01. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class One.