01. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class One. This class touches (again) on ‘the ladder of tefilla’ and the idea of Merkava that rests above each of us. 2) The end of the first rung (after Hashem Melech) is Lamnatzeach Binginos. 3) What I thought this is about: prayer of Goyim keeping the 7 Mitzvos of Noach; who call Him Elokim and rarely are they allowed to call Him אלוקינו but never הוי’ה. 4) Three ideas regarding the 7 laws of Noach: A. old holidays going back to Adam, B. the key to Torah actionably is marriage and family, C. Prayer of Goyim Liasid, perhaps this one (?).