
01. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class One Perek One (01)

01. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class One Perek One (01)
This class included:
A. an overview of the celebrations of the Rebbe’s birthday (11 Nissan) by the Rebbe over the years. 5712, 5722, 5731 and on; he also began giving dollars on this day in 5746.
B. This Ma’amar (as a whole) deals with the meaning of the term תפילה אריכתא; that (in P’shat is means that this Possuk simply elongates the Shmone Esrei by six words, but according to Chassidus) by adding the ONE Possuk אדנ-י שפתי תפתח, all of Shmone Esrei becomes long; meaning it comes from a higher place and descends to an even lower place.
C. We spoke about the history of Tefilla: the אנשי כנסת הגדולה compiled all of Davening (that is not Pesukim), later (after them (כנלענ”ד ?)) it was decided to JOIN the disparate parts of Davening Pesuki DiZImra, Birchos Krias Shma, and Shmone Esrei together to create ‘the ladder’ of Davening. This is called [1) פורס על שמע (to wrap Shma with Pisukei DiZimra), and 2)] סמיכת גאולה לתפילה (linking Ga’al Yisroel and Shmone Esrei).
D. The questions: 1) why place this Possuk here and not at the beginning of davening?; 2) by placing it here, you have a question that then needs an answer (which could have been avoided).

01. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class One Perek One (01)

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