
01. Min Hameitzar 5738

Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 1: 
This introduction to the ma’amar covers the Rebbe’s array of
questions, essentially asking, “If life of every Yid going inot Rosh Hashana is so good (as ChaZaL say) how is it possible for a person to cry ‘Min Ha Meitzar’ (from a place of narrowness and being squeezed)?” A person cries out for help (for breath) because life is hard and hopes that Hashem will answer him and take him out of
it.  If his life is good and calm, how is he or she crying from a
place of “narrowness” (difficulty)?
The Rebbe repeats the same question regarding 1) Eretz Yisroel (which is called ארץ טובה ורחבה) and 2) Torah SheBa’al Peh (which is ארוכה מארץ מדה ורחבה מני ים especially פנימיות התורה) and 3) Rosh Hashana (how is it רשה בתחלתה when there’s אור שנברא ביום הראשןם so available) and 4) The Possuk Min Hametzer follows the four כי לעולם חסדו hardly a מיצר.
Class 1 Length (44:35)

Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 1: 

Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 2:
The concept of the mashal is explained using ideas from the
Baal Shem Tov related to the shofar and Rosh HaShana. 
Two points:
Point One: Essentially the idea is that no matter what level a person is on there is a type of “narrowness” and crying out ‘Min Ha Meitzar’. 
Point Two: There is a fundamental difference between real basic pain of life on different levels – how is a cry on a higher level reflecting the actual deep
pain of the more basic level?  This is explained with a “mashal”
(example) of a mother crying when she hears her daughter crying in
labor.  Analysis is presented to explain the connection of the pain on
the lower and higher level, sine the lower level’s pain is rooted in the higher worlds subtle flaw, the higher world feels and can cry out like the lower world (the daughter).
Interesting side point in class one:  How the Rebbe developed his own
writing approach from his early years repeating classic Ma’amarim from
the earlier Rebbeim started to write more original Ma’amarim.
Class 2 Length (42:14)

Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 2:

Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 3:
This class continues with the final third of the maamar – from Perek Hei to Perek Chess – this section of The Rebbe’s Ma’amar in 1977, is based on this Ma’amar from the Rebbe RaShaB.
The Rebbe explains a key point in this last third focusing on the idea that on the lower levels there is extreme concealment but it all starts on the higher levels.  A cry of ‘Min Ha Meitzar’ on any level has the same intensity as the “lowest level” or the most raw level of suffering, because the “trouble” started on the hioghest levels.
The maamar explains that the construct of the Shem Havayah which is “the delivery system of Ein Sof” is where the Tzimtzum begins as it is י-ה-ו-ה rather than י-ה-י-ה. 
The second half of the class explains Tzimtzum HaRishon using the classic Mashal of Rav and Talmid, that are quantum separated; the teacher with panoramic understanding of Torah is able to communicate a deeply condensed point designed so that the student can receive it through several huge steps of reduction. 
The question is analyzed whether or not inside that nekuda (point) is contained all of the teacher’s knowledge that can be extracted later or if the student receives only a small subset and nothing more.
The perspective that all the Rav’s depth is in the point he gives to the Talmid explains the effectiveness and the cry Min HaMeitzar,

Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 3:

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