01a. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5735, Class One. [In this Rosh Hashanah Ma’amar, the Rebbe mentions each of the Rabbeim by name twice (in order) beginning with the Alter Rebbe. why he doesn’t mention the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Mezritcher Maggid I don’t know]. This (first of two) class on the Ma’amar is the questions (but there’s a lot in that). 1) Why do we make Rosh Hashana 1 Tishrei and not 25 Elul? 2) At least let us make both of them Rosh Hashana? 3) The argument that this day Adam was created isn’t sufficient, because נעשה אדם (let Us make man) is only one of the ten Ma’amaros and Breishis is all inclusive and happened on 25 Elul. 4) The world is renewed each instant from Ayin to Yesh, so what could the Chidush of Rosh Hashanah possibly add?? The Rebbe mentions three aspects that are each renewed MeAyin to Yesh every instant: A. The creation itself. B. The Chayos (life) of the creation is also renewed each instant MeAyin LiYesh. C. The Ratzon (will) for the Creation is also renewed each instant. Much of the class explores why the second and especially the third ideas need to be renewed each instant. This is certain that this ‘Will’ is the ‘external’ will for creation not the inner will.