Yechayenu 5737, Class Two. After explaining יחיינו מיומים… ביום השלישי on the three levels of עש”ן the proceeds to explaining the three ideas twice more: B. as it relates to Yidden’s Avodas Hashem, the Rebbe argues how important OUR contribution is from the A. the Midrash on the Possuk Braishis and B. the Tana Dvei Eliyahu that argues Yidden are even higher than Torah. All the Tzimtzum is to accommodate OUR effort. C. as it relates to Shofar, that also has levels in Ta’anug Atzmi all to accomodate OUR partnership in this. Shofar also has three levels: 1) the “regular” Shofar of Mattan Torah, 2) the “great” Shofar of Moshiach linked to the divine name ואדנ”י אלקים בשופר יתקע, and 3) the Shofar whos blower remains unidentified והי’ ביום ההוא יתקע בשופר גדול…