Class One. This typical Rosh Hashana Ma’amar explores the idea of ‘Helem’. When all Godliness is gone, what is left? God! This is the ‘Koach HaHelem of Malchus. All the revelations from Malchus are added to it in the process of ‘Binyan Hamalchus’ and when all of that is nistalek (removed) what is left is Helem of malchus, which is the Koach (through blowing Shofar) to reveal Malchus again by rebuilding her.
Class One
Class Two. The second Shiur on the Ma’amar examined the details of the Ma’amar. 1) The Koach Hahelem of Atzmus which is revealed at the moment of the siluk is the source of Koach HaHelem in Hishatalshelus to create. 2) He wants to be a King over subjects, which requires bringing the Malchus forward from Atzmus. 3) Gilui and Helem in malchus, the Helem is its own, the Gilui it borrows. 4) the idea of revealing a Ta’anug and Ratzon in Melucha [reveals the Helem of Atzmus of Melucha(?)].