01a. Shma Yisrael 5720, Class One. Is this Possuk meant to be included in the 10 פסוקי מלכיות said on Rosh Hashanah or not? That depends on whether this Possuk speaks to Hashem being a King. The issue is resolved by connecting THIS Possuk to the Zoharic idea בגין דישתמודעון בי’ה (which is explained IN THIS Ma’amar to mean) that even in the lowest world we can know Hashem. But not only our direct source (Malchus) but the פנימיות of this source, רוממות על עם and even (it’s source) רוממות עצמי. Thus even ion the lowest world we can know Him on a very high level. (But in two increments, which is what allows it to be among the פסוקי מלכיות).