02. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Two (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023)
Posted: January 30, 2023
02. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Two (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023) The Zohar’s four rungs of the ladder (of Tefilla) continues here. The Gemaras about Pesukei DiZimra (considering the fact that neither Boruch Sheamar nor Yishtabach appear in the Sha”S). 1) Rav Yosi says: I should be among those who say Hallel every day (which is not allowed); is interpreted to mean saying Pesukei DiZimra. 2) Sayin תהלה לדוד (aka אשרי) three times a day guarantees you to be a בן עולם הבא (to have a place in the world to come). [3) One must always precede the praise of Hashem (שבחיו של מקום ב”ה) and only afterwards Daven].
02. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Two (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023)