02. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Two.
Posted: March 31, 2023
02. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Two. This class is the second part of the Introduction to the Perek and offers more on the city of Yerushalayim. Three meanings of Yerushalayim (from a Tosfos Ta’anis) 1) wholeness and order and integration (Adam of Kedusha) 2) Vision, He sees about the city; He sees US when do our עלי’ לרגל and 3) we actually see HIM when we come (כשם ליראות כך כא לראות) In the end Yerushalayim is ‘only’ the setting for the Schechina in the Beis HaMikdash and draws it’s strength for holiness. Yerushalayim down here is always aligned with Yerushalayim on high; the source of חברות.
02. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Two.