02. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714, Class Two.
Posted: February 14, 2023
02. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714, Class Two. החדלתי את ראשי המשמח אלוקים Wine brings Joy to God(liness) also. He explains this is two ways. 1) Creation involves compromise (צמצום). He is יש האמיתי from whom radiates truly incredible light that is (next to Him) called אין. There’s the second אין which is the (hidden) source of the creation (which is called יש הנברא). This source is also called אין, but it is a very far cry from the first אין and is only אין in the sense that it is concealed from creation. This creation is based on the concealing of the first אין and even the second אין. The point however is to reveal (through Avoda) in the יש הנברא the hidden levels of אין דיש הנברא and even the אין of the יש האמיתי and even the יש האמיתי itself. This is משמח אלוקים. 2) The Gemara interprets the idea of יין משמח אלוקים as the wine in the Beis HaMikdash, אין אומרים שירה אלא על היין. The Rebbe questions this because music is the direction of up (towards hiddenness) and not down (revelation, Joy) as it says רננא ברמשא. The Rebbe resolves this by saying that there’s also song of revelation and bringing down. The class finishes with the (beginning of Perek 6 and the) idea of בן חכם ישמח אב- WE bring HIM joy as sons, separate but connected, just enough to bring Him (as another) Joy.
02. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714, Class Two.