02. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Two; Perek One (02)
Posted: May 5, 2022
02. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Two; Perek One (02) This class began with a review of the previous one: A. 11 Nissan by the Rebbe; B. the idea of תפילה אריכתא and the Chassidic meaning of that phrase. Then we continued inside, exploring the idea of סמיכת גאולה לתפילה. these two are Yosef and Yehuda respectively. Yehuda (risks to) lowers himself to the lower worlds to engage in elevating them; Yosef is Yesod in Atzilus. Introduction: using your mind versus Hoda’a (acceptance and submission). [Example (in class) from two ways of practicing the seven laws of Noach].
02. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Two; Perek One (02)