Shuva Yisroel 5738, Class One. This ma’amar is the second part of a hemshech (series) of three including the Rosh Hashana maamar “Min HaMeitzer” (Out of Narrowness), “Shuva” (Return) on Parshas Ha’azinu (Kinehser). The essence of the Ma’amar is the need for Hashem to show us mercy, because we don’t know the extent of our own deficiency because we are on very high level (!!!) where only minor inexactitudes exist and we don’t think enough of them, so G-d must arose mercy on us that we do Teshuva never the less.
Class 1: This class covers the first half of the ma’amar, explaining שובה ישראל עד הוי’ אלוקיך כי כשלת בעוניך. The questions are laid out and one key point is emphasized, “People on high levels also have to do teshuva” Three different insights are offered into the words עד הוי’ אלוקיך all of them lofty.
Shuva Yisroel 5738, Class Two. Class 2: This class covers the second half of the maamar and includes a deep analysis of the idea of “seeing the face of the divine” that (even) Moshe was told is impossible yet in this Ma’amar the Rebbe (based on the Alter Rebbe) explains how even this is possible.