02. Yehi Ratzon… Sheyibaneh Beis HaMikdash (Achei Temimim version 5783/ 2023), Class Two.
Posted: January 17, 2023
02. Yehi Ratzon… Sheyibaneh Beis HaMikdash (Achei Temimim version 5783/ 2023), Class Two. This class explains some insight into 1) Korbanos in times of Galus and it’s strength over the times of the Beis HaMikdash, but on the other hand nothing can be compared to how it will be then. 2) included in שיבנה בית המקדש there’s a A. a Torah aspect (ותן חלקינו בתורתיך) and B. a Tefilla aspect (שיבנה בית הקמקדש): and the idea is to have both, and how each includes the strength of the other.
02. Yehi Ratzon… Sheyibaneh Beis HaMikdash (Achei Temimim version 5783/ 2023), Class Two.