02b. 10 Shvat 5783 (2023) Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Balabatim) Part Two. Basi Legani. 1) 100 years since it’s first writing and reciting. 2) Building Hashem a home. 3) It’s done by the Tzivos Hashem 4) מלחמת נצחון the King splurges his treasure; he engages in the tactics himself; he throws his own life away. 5) אין סוף למילה עד אין קץ ולמאה עד אין תכלית; we all now exactly what it (אין סוף; דא”ח) and no one has a clue what it is. 6) The unknown is the treasure; אוצר של יראת שמים.