03. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class Three.
Posted: December 27, 2021
03. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class Three. We describe His Kingship in present past and future; as do in Adon Olom, but there it’s in order: past present future. Question are the two the same or different. In Kabbalah (Siddur Chemdas Yisroel) the nikkud (נקודות) adds up to 112, (יחוד קדושה וברכה) which is the classic idea of joining lower and higher and bringing the higher down. The notion of Kingship is about there being a world and our being HIs subjects; יחדא תתאה ולא יחוד עילאה.
Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class Three.