
03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class One INTRODUCTION

03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class One INTRODUCTION.
8 Tishrei what is special about this day (short thought)
This Maamar advantage of Yom Kippur’s Teshuva over Rosh Hashana’s; and that is how this Ma’amar is higher trhan the one before.
Intorduction: in the latter halof Tanya Section Two שער היחוד והאמונה the Alter Rebbe talks about the Kabbalist’s right to use form to explain G-dliness (not withstanding Achdus Hashem).
He speaks of three levels: A. Knowing Hashem directly (Sfiros in Atzilus) B. Knowing Him indirectly (Ein Sof, Shlila) and our inability to know “His Form” in Atzmus (any attempt to do so is laughable)
Here the Rebbe will add afouthr: A. Chiyuv, B. Shlila, C. shlilas HaShlila, D. Atzmus.
The third level is the new one.
This will be connected to:
A. שובה ישראל עד אלוקיך
B. שובה ישראל עד הוי’ (אלוקיך)
C. “שובה ישראל עד “ואדנ”י אלוקים בשופר יתקע
D. שובה ישראל עד [והי’ ביום ההוא] יתקע בשופר גדול ואין אנו יודעים מי התוקע.

03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class One INTRODUCTION.

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