03 Shuva Yisroel (Ma’amar Two) 5737, Class Two. The first half of the Ma’amar inside. 1) He applies a new form to theme of the previous Ma’amar: Shuva Yisroel Ad: Ad ViAd BiChlal and Ad ViLo Ad Bichlal. Correcting the wrong עד ועד בכלל and the power to do so from עד ולא עד בכלל. 2) Level one: עד ועד בכלל- the level of אלוקים and עד ולא עד בכלל is the level of Sovev הוי’ה. 2) Level two: עד ועד בכלל includes both אלוקים and הוי’ה because knowing indirectly is still knowledge; and עד ולא עד בכלל is beyond ידיעת השלילה. 3) Level three: all levels of G-dliness with name, and that involves correction of sin are included in עד ועד בכלל; and the G-dliness without a name יתקע בשופר גדול where sin need not be corrected because sin doesn’t touch there (Atzmus) is עד ולא עד בכלל.