03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (Machon Chana) Class 2
Posted: December 1, 2020
יהי רצון… תמידClass Two. Class 09 Wednesday 4 Teves 5776/ December 16 2015. This class addresses the three words מחילה, כפרה, סליחה. The many opinions about how to align these three ideas with the three levels of sin: חטא, עון, פשע becomes very confusing. In our נוסח אדמו”ר הזקן he aligns חטא with מחילה, and כפרה with עון, and the two terms מחילה וסליחה with פשע. This was explained based on the idea (צמח צדק -?-) that סליחה creates a new will, like the will that can bring back a lost