
04. BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736

BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736

BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736.
This typucal Ma’amar that revolves around the two Midrashim of Shmini Atzeres:
1) The king who asks his friend to stay for one more day and enjoy what is left over from the feast.
2) The father who suggests that the daughters married to people who live farther away should stay a little longer since going and coming is too much.
The point of the Ma’amar is about רחוק שנעשה קרוב or the Ba’al Teshuva and how special he is.
Only Yidden can do Teshuva (on the level where sins and their associated Klipa is corrected and elevated) thus it says by THIS Yom Tov Luchem;
On the other hand you are correcting Klipa, thus it is the 8th day, elevating the 70 nations on Sukkos and celebrating Yidden on the next day, and for the same reason the King and His friend eat left-overs, this means the Klipos they are elevating.

BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736.

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