004 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 04
Posted: October 28, 2022
04. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Four. The opposite of Teshuva is Reusa DiLiba (will of the heart). Both share the property called התעוררות פנימי meaning an arousal from the Soul beyond the mind. But Teshuva is due to sin, and Reusa DiLiba is due to achieving a perfection and transcending that perfection. The former is due to minimum perfection, the latter is due to maximum perfection. Inner voice (from the inner heart) that comes from the Soul; as opposed to ‘Outer voice’ (from the outer heart) that comes from the mind.
04. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Four.