04b. Ulkachtem Lachem Bayom Harishon 5735, Class Two.
Posted: October 23, 2022
04b. Ulkachtem Lachem Bayom Harishon 5735, Class Two. This (2nd of 3) class (on this Ma’amar) addresses the Daled Minim. The world is diverse and split, and yet in nature itself some things show themselves to be unified by their very physical nature. These phenomena represent some kind of revelation of the truth within the world. The Daled Minim were selected for this Mitzvah for this reason. Of the four, the Esrog represents this unity the most, because the unity is not superimposed on the Esrog (as it is with the Lulav, Hadasim and Aravos) but stems from the Esrog itself. It lives and unifies from all seasons and changes. The Esrog is taken last, because it’s the lowest level, but has the higehst idea of unity, and ultimately ascends above the other three kinds, like Malchus ascends above Kudsha Brich Hu (Z”A). This connects the 4 Minim to the idea of Rishon a little bit, but will come IYH in the final class on the Ma’amar bli neder.
04b. Ulkachtem Lachem Bayom Harishon 5735, Class Two.