Two levels of wholeness and perfection and the difference between them:
1) אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם- עולם על מילואו נברא.
2) אלה תודות פרץ- לעתיד לבא יעלה הפורץ לפניהם.
These are two levels of perfection, one at the beginning of time where everything is A. potential and not yet actual, B. limited and in a wall.
The other at the end of time, where things are A. actual and not potential, B. Unlimited yet orderly and going in the right direction to the right place: Kedusha.
This is why the walls of Yerushalayim will be taken down and replaced with walls of fire.
That itself will have a מקיף and a פנימי.
The ten Sefiros in the beginning vs. the ten Sefiros in the end. MP3