
05. Ata Haraisa 5737 Mugga(Simchas Torah Ma’amar) Class Two.

Ata Haraisa 5737 Mugga (Simchas Torah Ma’amar) Class Two.
This very scholarly class encompasses Chapters 4-9 (part) of the Ma’amar and is the “Biur” on the Ma’amar.
Two ideas of Ata (אתה) are introduced 1) Mimalei Kol Almin, which is known directly (thus it is Ata direct knowledge), 2) Atzmus, as a child Knows Him (שם שמים שגור בפי כל).
And, two ideas of אתה הראת לדעת are introduced (and the two are not the same, because) the latter is ideas of Knowing as Knowledge, while the first of the two ideas of Ata isn’t (intellectual) Knowledge innate Knowledge.
The big argument is that it is possible to know Atzmus intellectually, and four ideas are suggested, the first three are indirect, and lead to the fourth which is KNOWING Him directly (!!!).
A. Knowing unity in Atzilus (הוי’ ואלוקים כולא חד- אורות וכלים) is only possible due to their common source in Atzmus.
B. Knowing Unity of אורות and כלים above Atzilus in the Ten Hidden Sfiros (עשר ספירות הגנוזות) is a level were they have not yet been (actually) separated, and it reveals הוי’ ואלוקים כולא חד on a higher level still.
C. The two lights before the Tzimtzum, before and after the Will of creation (ספירות אין קץ ועשר ספירות גנוזות קודם הצצמצום) are even more unified than the עשר ספירות הגנוזות after Tzimtzum.
D. Finally in יכולת העצמות there is ONE יכולת for everything, here הוי’ ואלוקים כולא חד is literally ONE.
The first three reveal G-dliness by putting light where darkness was (גילויים) the fourth causes the Darkness itself to shine (החשך עצמו יאיר) which is the idea of גילוי העצמות וידיעה בעצמות.
As the class went on, due to the length and depth of the material, the class became more abstract and faster paced.
This is connected to other ideas, including the elevation in the concept of ידיעת עצמו בעצמותו.

Ata Haraisa 5737 Mugga (Simchas Torah Ma’amar) Class Two.

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