05. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Five.
Posted: April 10, 2023
05. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Five. This class includes Possuk 4-5, that continue describing the praise of the city of Yerushalayim. ששםעלו שבטים שבטי י-ה עדות לישראל להודות לשם השם the city that all gather in as a singularity, also represents each שבט (tribe) individually; each tribe having it’s own separate and holy (י-ה) identity. They ascend on three levels: A. from the lower worlds to Malchus; B. from Malchus to Atzilus; C. from Atzilus to Atik; Beyond these three levels of Godliness the ascenders submit (להודות לשם השם). כי שמה ישבו כסאות למשפט כסאות לבית דוד the city that is arranged with seats for all the righteous. The seats have two categories: משפט (Torah) and בית דוד (royalty). This is explained to represent the two sets of law that keep the Jewsih people flourishing: A Torah law; B. Royal law and how these two interface with each other (resulting in -at least- four seats: Torah and as it is supported by royalty; and civil (royal) law and how it is supported by Torah).
05. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Five.