05. Pesach by the Rebbe (5783/ 2023), Part Five. The Seder (continued) until the end. 14) The Rebbe ‘doing his own thing’; while Rabbi Yankel Katz Z”L read the entire Haggadah; Someone sent in an important correction: it does NOT say in the Haggadah to cover the Matzah when pouring off the 15 drops of wine דם ואש ותמרות עשן and the reason not to cover the Matzah is that we are not honoring the wine at that point (to the contrary we’re pouring off). 15) The Shiurim of Matzah, Maror and Afikoman; 16) The meal began with the egg; the salt and ‘some’ fish etc. how little the Rebbe ate. 17) The second half of the Seder and people’s special memories of this. 18) Returning the wine from Eliyahu HaNavi’s cup; Keli Atta. 19) The Farbrengen that lasted till morning.
Enclosed here are voice recordings of two Rabbis (Rabbi Y. Shmotkin and Rabbi Y. Y. Ufin) singing (how they remember) the way the Rebbe sang the second half of the Haggadah.
Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin Yichye singing how he remembers the Rebbe saying the Haggadah at the Seder.Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Ufin Yichye singing how he remembers the Rebbe saying the Haggadah at the Seder.05. Pesach by the Rebbe (5783/ 2023), Part Five.