07. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class Seven.
Posted: January 2, 2022
07. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class Seven. After we say הוי’ מלך twice, which indicates His being OUR King as a perfect ruler of a perfect world and the transcendence of that, we say והי’ השם למלך על כל הארץ ביום ההוא יהי’ השם אחד ושמו אחד when Moshiach comes His Kingship will be altogether revealed. We quotes the Gemara (Peshachim 50a) where he explains that after Moshiach comes two changes will happen: A. we will pronounce His name as it is written (הוי”ה rather than אדנ”י) which we cannot do now; B. We will say הטוב והמטיב for everything He gives us, even those things that are overtly not good. The idea is He will be revealed TO US and we’ll see His overt goodness in however He treats us. This is the ultimate condition of His Kingship; where we live this “chosen and desired” relationship [of Him being OUR King, not only our ruler].
07. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class Seven.