
07. Ki Yiddativ 5736 (this Ma’amar is also a Ma’amar of Mayim Rabim) Class One.

Ki Yiddativ 5736 (this Ma’amar is also a Ma’amar of Mayim Rabim) Class One.
This class (an hour and a half long!!) deals with the Mayim Rabim part of the Ma’amar.
There are three Mayim Rabim’s with three different intents.
In all of them “האהבה” (in the Possuk מים רבים לא יוכלו לכבות את האהבה ונהרות לא ישטפוה) means the same thing: the hidden, infinite Soul-love a Jew has inherently for God, but in each of the three מים רבים (turbulent waters) means something different.
A. תורה אור פרשת תולדות the idea of מים רבים is Ruchniyus spirituality cannot quiet the inner Neshama’s thirst.
B. תורה אור פרשת נח the idea of מים רבים means טרדות הפרנסה (the exhaustive energy one invests in worry and in pursuit of his livelihood) but as it is done correctly, which is a good thing,
C. מאמר מים רבים תרל”ו the idea of מים רבים means טרדות הפרנסה (the exhaustive energy one invests in worry and in pursuit of his livelihood) but as it is done correctly, which is a not good thing,
The Rebbe wants to argue that all three מים רביםs is spiritual!!!
And ultimately redeemed.

Ki Yiddativ 5736 (this Ma’amar is also a Ma’amar of Mayim Rabim) Class One.

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