Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Class Two. WEDNESDAY 4 KISLEV 5775/ NOVEMBER 26 2014 Vayehi Achar Class Two. There are many reasons to say VaYehi Achar and though the idea has been around since the Zohar, it was not said until the last few hundred years or so. This class explores why it has been recently incorporated into the regular Nusach and the various reasons given for its recitation: 1) It reminds us of our ancestors, 2) it inspires our readiness for Mesiras Nefesh, 3) for dealing with Hashem’s tests, 4) it protects us from all harm. The Arizal gives three reasons: 5) It heals the lower parts of Z”A NeHI and two thirds of Tiferes, thus Yitzchok was 37 during the Akaida, 6) It heals the opposite of life, 7) It heals the death of Hevel (Gimatria 37) who died from too much exposure to GOdliness. This class explains primarily the three Arizal reasons, that Yitzchok’s Gevuros are tempered by Avrohom (actually) giving him life (not death as the Akaida is understood in convention).