Biha’alosecha 08:05~22 – The “Leviification of the Leviim” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
Posted: May 26, 2021
Biha’alosecha 08-05-22 the “Leviification of the Leviim” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021). The “making of the Leviim happened only once in the history of Torah and Leviim. The story doesn’t get the attention it should get. What was the ceremony? The Chizkuni. 1) Shaving all hair, 2) Para Aduma ash, 3) Mikva 4) Moshe stood them, 5) Yidden leaned on them, 6) Aharon lifted them, 7) Korbanos, two male Parim. Gevura too tough and exact but needed, the Leviim represent this. Korach, when Moshiach comes Leviim will be Kohanim.