09. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Nine; Perek Three (02).
Posted: May 25, 2022
09. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Nine; Perek Three (02). This class reviewed the two ideas about Torah (having two levels) 1) Dew vs. Rain; 2) Hakadosh Baruch Hu Korei Vishone Kinegdo vs. Yoshev Viosek BiTorah. Then we moved on and read inside the third duality in Torah: how we learn it also has two levels A. Shelo Lishma (for self-interest) it is good to begin this way, and B. Lishma-learning Torah for Torah’s sake and benefit.
09. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Nine; Perek Three (02).