Footnote 20: Only Mitzvos actually “hold” Atzmus, but the רעותא דליבא and קבלת עול that proceed it allow the Atzmus to be “revealed”.
These three levels are linked to:
1) בן this is the idea that a child is exactly like his father. It even includes the פסקי דינים הלכה למעשה that is an expression of רעותא דליבא in as much as a Jew is G-dliness.
2) עבד who is nothing near his master. This is connected to ביטול.
3) how בן and עבד are in Atzmus where they are one. Here the highest thing is the Torah as it represents the opposites so clearly: On the one hand the learner has his own mind, on the other hand his entire reality is his Maker.
Class Three
The connection between these three levels and the three poles of Torah, Avoda, and Gemilas Chasadim as hinted in the two Peskim:
1) פדה בשלום נפשי מקרב לי כי ברבים היו עמדי
2) קטנתי מכל החסדים ומכל האמת…