Class One. All Yomim Tovim celebrate material victories and are therefore celebrated through physical means: meat and wine etc. Chanuka was an attack on our Neshama, as they left the Beis HaMikdash intact etc. It is therefore celebrated through Hallel and candles. When a Yid has darkness he digs deeper and reveals higher levels of the Neshama this happened by Chanukah as well. This is the idea of והוי’ יגיה חשכי and הלואי בקדש חזתיך. In this Ma’amar another critical idea is mentioned that the real truth is that any time a non-Jew attacks a Jew he is attacking his “ענין היהדות” the G-dly point, so on some level it is always spiritual.
Class One.
Class Two. This class is a המשך to the מאמרי חתונה and specifically to the מאמר אמר רב אושיעא. He explains the connection between the idea (discussed in the previous Ma’amar) about צדקה עשה הקב”ה שפיזרן לבין אומות העולם and the idea of מקול מחצצים בין משאבים שם יתנו צדקות הוי’ה etc. The negative, when transformed to positive, is higher than this that is naturally good. This is achieved through בירורים (the idea of פזרן) with help of Torah (the second translation of מקול מחצצים).