10. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2022) Class Ten.
Posted: January 9, 2022
10. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2022) Class Ten. Quick reveiew of השם מלך and והי’ השם למלך Explaining הושיענו strength we get from Him (ש”ע או שע”ה נהורין לעתיקא קדישא) Hashem who [comes down into הוי’ אלוקינו=] is OUR PERSONAL GOD. וקבצינו מן הגויים with His help from on high whatever good (‘sparks’) there is all over the world is gathered and organized perfectly. להודות לשם קדשיך- acknowledging without understanding. להשתבח בתהלתיך- enjoying sensing Him on ‘the Light’ level; which is a real experience, but it is not internalized. ברוך ה’ אלוקי ישראל… bringing Him down more and more, until we UNDERSTAND.
10. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2022) Class Ten.