10. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Ten (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).
Posted: May 3, 2023
10. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Ten (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023). The Pesukei DiZimra include two (basic) ideas: A. the ten utterances of creation (עשרה מאמרות) and the Exodus (אז ישיר). This week we devoted almost all the class to the first theme. We aligned (according to the Abudraham) each of the ten utterances to one paragraph between ברוך שאמר and ויברך דוד. The second idea was touched on this week and will be explored next week IYH.
10. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Ten (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).