10 Shvat 5721, Class 13; Sicha 3 (Class 6). Toras Menachem vol 30 page 67. The class was given on (30 Nissan) the Yahrzeit of the RaMaK, so there’s a discussion on the RaChaV’s place in the teachings of the Arizal. Ulidavka Bo is one of the 613 Mitzvos, and this one cannot be done properly without the Neshama (Chassidus). The Neshama is needed for Ahavas Yisroel and Dvaikus in Hashem through the Talmid Chochom.
10 Shvat 5721, Class 13; Sicha 3 (Class 6).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 14; Sicha 3 (Class 7). Toras Menachem vol 30 page 67-68 (end of the third Sicha). 1) Thought on Iyas and health, 2) Thought on the Rebbe MaHaRaSh (whose birthday is tomorrow). 3) The Sicha ends with the idea that Hiskashrus requires actions from our side. As the Rebbe gets higher (more years since 10 Shvat) the easier the Hiskashrus. The idea that in this Inyan the higher he is the greater (and lower) is his influence, (like Midas HaMakchus).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 14; Sicha 3 (Class 7).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 15; Sicha 4 (Class 1). Toras Menachem vol 30 page 68-9. new Sicha. Question- how can והלכת בדרכיו be a מצוה פרטית; it seems to encompass all of what Yiddishkeit is. We talked about the idea of מצות כלליות (general Mitzvos) and we told the story of Yid advised by the Rebbe to be מהדר in the מצות השגחה פרטית because this is a general Mitzvah and a general organ. [מצותה הוי’ מול מצותי].