
10b. Bichof Hei BiKislev 5716, Class Two.

10b. Bichof Hei BiKislev 5716, Class Two.
This (second) class on this Ma’amar continues the discussion about Birur (correction); but now we speak not of correcting the Middos (emotions), but the correction of the letters and words (gestalt) of the sin (or potential sin) itself, nust come from higher than the mind (and Chochma). This means correcting (not the feelings invested in not good, but) the reality of the negative action itself, which is in and of itself without life altogether. Yet it’s lasting effect on the person is (somehow even more lasting than the lasting effect of the emotion of the sin).
The correction of the Livushium (thought speech deed, the action) is only from higher than Mochin: from the Nefesh itself (רעותא דליבא).
It is further compared to the Avoda in the Beis HaMikdash of burning the Incense (קטרת). This reveals a power brings from (even) higher than Chochma [it is the power of Teshuva (?)] to correct and repair (even) the letters and words (form) of sin.
In daily life, this is compared to the MIncha prayer that requires us to tear ourselves away from our work to Daven and the Kfia (Bittul) aspect in doing each Mitzvah.

10b. Bichof Hei BiKislev 5716, Class Two.

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