BiChof Hai BiKislev 5736 Class Two. This is the second of two classes on this Ma’amar. Here we learn ‘the (beginning and the end of the) Ma’amar’ itself. The foundational idea is that we celebrate the miracle of FINDING the jug of oil, which 1) was the source of the energy that was needed to have the Mesiras Nefesh that the Chashmnoi showed, 2) it empowered the miracle of the oil lasting eight days. Three questions are answered: 1) Why we celebrate the miracle of the oil rather than the miracle of winning the war? Answer: it’s finding the jug that we celebrate, it empowered the victory etc. 2) The wording of the Gemara בכ”ה בכסליו יומי דחנוכה תמניא אינון seems to imply that all eight days are on the 25th alone? Answer: Answer: all eight days are anchored in the miracle of the 25th, finding the oil. 3) What is the connection between (the miracle of) oil and the idea of renewing the Beis HaMikdash? Answer: Chinuch always involves A. Abundant giving, and B. Hashpa’a from a very high source. Both of these are found in the Chanukah miracle.