11. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2022) Class Eleven.
Posted: January 9, 2022
11. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2022) Class Eleven. ברוך השם אלוקי ישראל מן העולם ועד העולם– a prayer to bring something (from the beyond) down; first it needs to be created and then brought down. The idea of ברכת כהנים is discussed here; it is both a Tefilla and a Bracha. ואמר כל העם אמן ההלוי’ה– ( see Tanya Chapter 41 (57b- 58a)) as a collective we are capable of things we aren’t capable of as individuals so we TOGETHER אמן etc. כל הנשמה תהלל י-ה הללוי’ה– the notion of thanking Him for each breath indicates an incredibly deep way of living and being connected.
11. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2022) Class Eleven.